The Lost Teachings or the Teachings of the Lost

Part 5

Chapter 13

1. This chapter is about teachers and students. It states that finding a teacher is important to spiritual growth and states that there are a lot of different teachers, Gurus, and preachers out there looking for followers. These people often want prestige, praise, worship, money, or any mixture of that list. Some of them it states want you to praise and worship someone or something else while they ride the "coat-tails" as the representative of whatever you are worshipping. To JP a "true teacher" is an enlightened adept who leads through the unselfishly loving example of his life. He will accept good students and teach them tecniques to help them change, but will accept no mindless followers, no worship, and no praise. According to JP anyone who expects you to partake of praise and worship in any form is a Charlatan. (* Oh gee is that another subtle shot at Christianity. Hmmm imagine that) According to CLO tradition the only "true teachers" are enlightened initiates of the CLO called adepts.

2. He then goes more into that selfish/separate self which isn't really you thing. IE. the spiritual scizophrenia thing and why it is so important that you have a "true teacher" (* Basically an enlightened adept who is an initiate of the CLO) because without a true teacher you have absolutely no hope whatsoever of transending your selfish separate self and becoming enlightened and therefore you are doomed.

3. He then talks a bit about how he finally found his true teacher which is supposed to be this Zain character that he talks about a bunch in the book.

4. He talks about reincarnation and about how you keep coming back and picking up where you left off to pay for your Karma. Then he talks about how once you reach enlightenment you make a choice to go on to the next plane or continue in this one working to help others become enlightened. He claims that everyone achieves the same level of conciousness from their past life by age 21. He brings up the weird TV broadcast thing and mentions that Zain was the guy he saw on TV. He explains that the broadcast was made by Atlantean agents using Science-Magic from the basement of a Christian church in the US. He talks a bit about how he achieved enlightenment at age 21 and about finding out Zain was his true teacher. Then he gives a long list of quotes from an undetermined source.

5. He goes into the importance of having a true teacher some more and talks about how your supposed to know someone is your true teacher. He gives a little analogy to show that a true teacher is far superior to a preacher. He then talks about how to find your true teacher and how to make sure he is a true teacher once you have found him.

6. He gives a list of signs that you are dealing with a false teacher 1] Charging Money: He states that a true teacher does not charge money he just expects a dedicated student to become a full time monk. (* He does state on page 202 that a monk is required to give up everything they own and turn it over to their traditional order. I don't see how turning over everything you have to the order differs from being charged money so by his own criteria he seems to be calling himself a false teacher.) 2] Telling you to do what they say: He says a true teacher has no desire to control you (* Yet he wants to brainwash you with subliminal messages. That sounds an awful lot like trying to tell someone else what to do and control them.) 3]The teacher pursues students: A true teacher is just supposed to show up when you pray for him to. 4] Teacher tries to boost your ego: A true teacher is supposed to try to detrone your selfish self. 5] Promises wealth or success: True teacher is supposed to focus on spiritual things. 6] Pushes their Dogma: A true teacher has no need to make others accept their beliefs (* Once again I fail to see where brainwashing people with subliminal messages is not forcing your beliefs on others. He has called himself a false teacher again.) 7] Teachings based on popular sentiment: A true teacher doesn't need to preach a bunch of rhetoric and use charismatic showmanship to control you (* Yet somehow it is OK for him to hammer out 22 chapters of rhetoric about unselfish love and another 20 outlining ritual meditations.) 8] Their ego gets offended for any reason. (* OK now this is a bit of personal experience which has nothing to do with the book. It does have everything to do with my friend, around which revolves the reason my making this site. I posed a lot of questions about this group to him and he had some of his own. He went to the CLO's public message board and posed some of those questions to JP and JP got deeply offended. In fact he got so offended that he kicked my friend off of his message board and banned his screen name from ever having access again. That tells me two things a) He fears any inquiry into his organization and beliefs and B) He is a hypocrite.) 9] Channelling: he says he will explain later. 10] Lack of unselfish love: A true teacher should be trully loving.

7. He continues on this for a long time saying the same stuff over and over again. The importance of finding a true teacher, unselfish love, and so on and so forth.

Chapter 14

1. This chapter is all about channeling spirits, spiritual mediums and stuff like that. He goes on for a long time explaining why talking to spirits can be deceptive. He then compares this to reading spiritual books and how that can be deceptive. He talks some more about ascended masters coming back time and again and claims that Jesus, Adam, Master Thoth, and Joseph where all the same person reincarnated. He continues with a lot of repetitive talk about the dangers of channeling and unselfish love.

Chapter 15

1. This chapter starts out with a bunch more of those quotes again and then he starts talking about a life of monastism. He talks a little bit about monastic spirtual communities and the different kinds existing.

2. Page 233 He talks about the dead sea scrolls revealing that the CLO where the Essenes an order formed by Zoroaster hundreds of years before the time of Jesus. He claims that the three wise men were Essenes. (Note: I had mentioned earlier that the book of Galatians was written pertaining to the Essenes. My study Bible referred to them as a Jewish sect "Judaizers" which where combining Mosaic Law with Christian teachings. I do know something about Zoroaster sometimes called Zaruthustra as well. This was and still is a Persian religion whose wise men were called "magi" and their proper religious name was and still is the Zoroastrians. The word magician is derived from the word "magi" and it stems from the ancient practice that Zoroastrian priests utilized. They entertained their crowds with slight of hand illusions as they were preached and taught their religious beliefs. As far as I can tell the Essenes and the Zoroastrians are two completely different religions founded hundreds of years apart so I believe that JP is in error with his statements.)

3. He goes into a long epic about how important it is to become a monk in a monastery cut of from outside influences so that one can become completely reprogrammed without outside distractions. More stuff about unselfish love and he goes into a big end of the world thing about signs of the end being near and stuff.



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