The Lost Teachings or the Teachings of the Lost

Part 6

Chapter 16

1. This Chapter is called Visualization and Affirmation and it begins with a brief summary description of the CLO subconcious programming tecniques. (* Basically their brainwashing tecniques.) After this brief description and an explanation of why it is so important to allow the CLO to reprogram you a long list of quotes are given from an undetermined source.

2. He then explains a little more in depth about Affirmations being positive statements or directions you make to yourself to bring changes in the sub-concious. He tells a little story about his true teacher Zane making him do affirmations then he gives three examples of affirmations that can be used.

3. He goes into a more in depth explanation of what visualization is. Basically he describes mental imagery, visualization tecniques to picture in your mind what you desire as you do your spoken word affirmations. He then discusses combining these tecniques with meditation and goes on for a while about the benefits and results of doing this. He then goes into a big long warning about the dangers of using visualization tequniques improperly. He then talks about how it is wrong to pray for someone who is ill, and he compares prayer to "Black Magic." He says that prayer and other visualization tequniques are just magic in disguise and he says that the only thing that we should ask for is "The Universal will be done". To ask for anything else is wrong according to JP even if it seems like a good thing because unless you are enlightened you don't have the wisdom to know the Universal Spirit's will. Then he goes into this story about trying to drive some guy to his hotel, but the car breaks down. The guy tries to fix the car with some metaphysical mumbo jumbo and it don't work because there was a bad accident and they weren't meant to leave. (Note: this demonization of prayer comes back later in the book. Basically the only thing that JP feels anyone should be allowed to pray for or visualize is a true teacher and "The Universal will to be done." He later makes the accusation that Christians never pray for God's will to be done, which is an outright lie.)

Chapter 17

1. This chapter begins with a description of a period of JP's first year at the monastery. He discusses how his scedule was so full that he was being deprived of sleep. He explains that this is the normal thing to expect at the monastery and that even though it is a hardship it is meant to teach self-discipline. He then goes on to explain that many important professions require their perspective people to go through periods of hardship to get through to the perspective "pay off" that means they are established in their career. Like doctors have to go through the rigorous period of being an intern for example. He then tells a little story about missing a meditation because the sleep deprivation got to him and he fell asleep. The monks, including his true teacher Zain who he keeps calling "Father", picked him up and threw him into a freezing pool of water to wake him up. (Note: Sleep deprivation is practically a text book tecnique used when brainwashing subjects. The Nazi's were known for doing this to prisoners who they were interogating among other things. Basically the mind begins to weaken and lose its resolve over time with constant lack of sleep and eventually you can convince someone to accept almost anything.)

2. He then talks about meditation teaching concentration. The story he gives as an example is about a woman called Mother Farida. she see him trying to meditate and talks to him about concentrating, consistency and perserverance. He goes a bit into talking about lengthy fasting, which means not eating for several days at a time. He gives a few more of those quotes from an undetermined source and then he talks a bit more about the same stuff and how important it is to use these tecniques to reprogram your subconcious. (Note: Two things stand out to me at this point. One he brings up extended and continual fasting. While I know the Bible also teaches fasting in conjunction with prayer I also know that malnutrition weakens the mind. Secondly the fact that he is calling this woman Mother. He has been calling Zain father for more than half the book, but it didn't really set off an alarm bell till he called her mother. Basically they are replacing his biological family figures with these so-called enlightened adepts. I see removing the influence of a persons family as yet another way of reducing the resistance of the psyche to brainwashing.)

Chapter 18

1. This chapter is about trashing the concept of faith. He begins the chapter with a some quotes from an undetermined source then he tells a little story about Zain in which the "enlightened adept" jokes and makes fun of some Biblical scriptures regarding faith. He then talks about all the pain and suffering in the world driving him to become an atheist for awhile. He goes on to say that you cannot trully have faith that God exists unless you have a "death" experience and experience God first hand. Basically they believe that you cannot trully become enlightened until you physically die and are brought back or resucitated or have your "death" experience through meditation. He talks a bit about the importance of humiliation then he gives a list of his favorite movies.

2. A little more talk about humility and a little more about unselfish love. Then he tells a story about getting kicked out of the monastery. Zain gives him a name of some really famous ruler that was cruel and evil that he was supposed to have been in a past life. Then he isn't doing what he is told so he gets the boot. Then while he is gone his life falls apart and he learns who the ruler was so he goes back and begs forgiveness and restarts his training. Then one day during a meditation Zane gets up touches the top of his head and changes his name to Peniel.



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