The Lost Teachings or the Teachings of the Lost Part 4 Chapter 10 1. This Chapter begins with a short treatise on Free Will and life changing decisions followed by a long list of quotes from undetermined sources. 2. The claim here is that training in Atlantean techniques grants prophetic abilities by balancing cause and effect, free will choices, and destiny. He then goes on to explain that every one who is not enlightened is schizophrenic. The inner personality being one with God and the selfish separate self which is your everyday personality. 3. He then goes into a long winded discussion about how selfishness and free will choices cause pain and suffering through Karmic retribution. Eventually the hope is that you learn to become enlightened and walk the path of a perfect being never again to generate any more negative Karma. Then all you have to do is bide your time until you have completely paid off that negative Karma debt so that you can eventually cease to suffer for it. 4. On page 133 of this book he makes the statement "you can see a good example of this in one of the stories about Jesus that still remain in the Bible."(Note* He states this as if to say that something important has been left out or removed from the New Testament of the Bible. I can tell you this World Class Scholar Bruce Metzgar, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University says that compared with other ancient documents there is an unprecedented number of New Testament Documents. He also said that they can be dated extremely close to the original writings. The modern New Testament is 99.5% free of textual discrepencies leaving no major Christian doctrines in doubt. Criteria held by the early church to determine which books should be held as authoritive have ensured that we possess the best records about Jesus of any given text concerning him.) He then refers to Jesus suffering in the garden before his arrest. He then goes into a little explanation about Jesus praying in the garden that this cup might pass from him. He agrees that it was the will of God that Jesus suffer as he did yet he does not explain why it was so. 5. He then goes into a long discussion about the thought process and its effect on free will. He talks about the mind and the will and and the process of these bringing things to reality. He then tells this little story explaining that doing the right thing might not always be what you think. He talks about giving a homeless guy some money and the guy turning around and using that money for an evil purpose while if you yell at him he might come to his senses and get out of the situation himself. He goes on to say that you need to ask the spirits to guide you to do the right thing. 6. Then he goes into a long discussion about learning the power of prophecy. He talks a bit about going to prophecy school and learning how to fortell the future.. Finally he tells this story about going to Las Vegas and playing Black Jack with $2 while he talks to the dealer about unselfish love. Basically he sits there for hours talking to this dealer letting the money ride winning one hand after another until the dealer goes insane. Basically the guy has a total nervous breakdown then the next dealer comes and Jon loses the first hand. Basically this is all supposed to be wonderful because after many years spent in a mental institution the black jack dealer is all better now. (* Hey if you don't get it don't worry about it because I don't either.!) Chapter 11 1. He begins the next chapter by talking a little bit about the black Jack dealer. He explains that now the guy is a bit of a simpleton, but he is kind and gentle. The man is now an aethist with a Freudian outlook, but that is OK with Jon and the CLO because now he is a nice person and to them that is what is important not what a person believes or does not believe. (Note* I find that kind of odd. I have known plenty of Christians who are very kind people yet JP seems to have a very real issue with Christians because he trashes their beliefs several times in his book and on his web pages) 2. He then gives us some more quotes from indeterminate sources and proceeds to demonize belief. He already did this once earlier in the book, basically JP seems to feel that it is evil to believe in anything because war, murder, predjudice, and all kinds of other evil things only happened because people believed in something. (Note*As if to say that nothing good ever came from belief. I already mentioned earlier that JP only specifically mentioned Christian atrocities like the Crusades and the Inquisition. While it is true that a lot of evil things have been done in the name of Christ, Christianity does not hold the only title to that shame. Another thing that we must consider is that a lot of good things have been done in the name of Christ as well. I personally believe that more good has been done than evil in Christ's name. Sit and think what the world would be like if you totally removed Christians from it and its history. There would be no United States. There would be no compassion or mercy. The very concept of compassion was alien to this world before Christ came and taught that concept. Tenants like slavery, sexual inequality, cruel and unusual punishment, and barbarism where accepted every day occurances. The only reason that these things eventually came to end is because people learned about compassion. Look at the Atrocities committed by nations where Atheism, which is simply a lack of belief, ruled minds of men. Stalin and others like him slaughtered thousands upon thousands of people and Millions cringed in a prison of fear for half a century in Russia. I think the impact of this is more far reaching than the Crusades and the Inquisition combined.) He talks about the power of believe describing a lot of supernatural sounding occurances he supposedly has witnessed and talking alot about Buddists and Martial Artists. He talks a bit about the placebo affect (like Dr. administiring sugar pills) and the subconcious. 3. Next comes the scary part he describes our "beliefs" as programming and states that we must become reprogrammed to become enlightened. He states that many of the Atlantean tecniques are designed to reprogram the mind. (Note* I have actually listened to some of the meditation tapes that the Children of the Law of One sell. Basically you meditate while listening to a tape with vibration music and subliminal messages. Does any of this sound like brainwashing to you?) 4. He then talks a bit about the use of music and subliminal messages to program the brain. He goes into a long treatise explaining that you and everyone else have been "brainwashed" by society and culture and the only salvation for you is to let him "rebrainwash" you so that he can fix the damage that society has done to you. He goes on to trash the concept of believing in anything some more then compares the "brainwashing" done to us by our society and culture to the "brainwashing" done by Hitler during WWII. He admits that his own family tried to have him deprogrammed twice and admits on page 167 that at least 6 of his students were kidnapped from his "cult" by what he terms "black belt thugs" and deprogrammed for their perspective families. 5. He then goes on a little further talking about "self-programming" yourself (*which seems an oxymoron) using his tapes and subliminal messages (*which really means let him reprogram you with his tapes) and how you can never become enlightened and be saved otherwise. Chapter 12 1. This chapter starts almost immediately with a big long list of quotes from an undetermined source. (Note: I know that I really haven't said much about the quotes, but they seem to be rather repetitive in nature. They basically say what the chapter they are within says while talking alot about unselfish love and doing the will of God. On the surface that might seem very noble, but they sounded like home made scriptures to me when I read them. I know that at the beginning of the book he claims his quotes come from a long list of sources, but I have not been able to find any information about those texts leading me to think he just made the whole thing up along with the "scriptures" he keeps quoting. I cannot really make that a concrete accusation, but if there really are all these ancient tablets and tomes then where is the proof? If I want some proof of the Bible I can actually go to certain museums and see ancient documents on display. I can actually check out learned scholars who have studied these documents themselves or done some work in Archeology and other sciences to verify their existence and authenticity. I am not just taking the word of one man who sounds a little off his rocker to me in the first place.) 2. He then goes on talking about the worlds religions and saying that they are all just different spiritual paths leading to the same thing. He claims that each person must be on the spiritual path that works for them to reach enlightenment and it really doesn't matter what path you take just so long as you take the right one for you. He gives this analogy of a mountain with everyone in the world starting on top of it and walking down. After reaching the bottom everyone wants to get back to the top, but they must travel the same path up they descended. 3. He then gets more into the spiritual schizophrenia thing, saying that we have to destroy the personality that we believe we are in order to become the person we really are, and then he talks a bunch about unselfish love. (*It gets pretty repetitive) He then talks about how there are false spiritual paths and semi-false spiritual paths, and talks a bunch about auras and psychic powers and how he had them as a child and that his teacher Zane tells him he would have the power to level whole cities and move mountains once he completed his training in the ancient Atlantean techniques (Page 180 of my book). He finally polishes up the chapter talking about becoming enlightened and what that means for a person.