A Virtuous Woman
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above
Proverbs 31:10
Who knows where to find her? She is her husband's crown.
Priced far above rubies, Oh where can she be found?
Her husband is confident that he can trust her,
He lacks nothing of value, and can always be sure,
That she will always do right by him.
He praises her before his peers, and they respect him.
She is a fine mother as well as a good wife.
She gives faithful instruction they will need in life.
A hard worker that raises her children right,
And has strength and dignity, and her speech is wise.
Her children respect her even they give her praise.
Virtue is better than riches, wealth, power, or fame.
When things get rough worry doesn't fill her mind.
Why, because she's prepared against those rough times.
Eagerly she provides food and clothes for them,
Watches over the house, and is a shrewd businesswoman.
She considers carefully and profits from trade.
Yet, she holds out a hand to the poor and helps those in need.
Charm is deceptive, beauty a fleeting thing,
But the girl, who fears the Lord, it is her praise I sing.
(Based on Proverbs 31:10-31)